Blank Spaces and Communal Living

I’m waking at sunrise this week, which happens sometimes. I’m a seven-hours-a-night-or-I-lose-the-plot-kinda-gal (this isn’t limited thinking, I’ve experimented and weird things happen when I don't get enough shut-eye) so I'm feeling a bit tired. I was tidying the house like a mad woman (the family are visiting and there’s nothing as marvellously motivating as the … Continue reading Blank Spaces and Communal Living

Creating problems, and solving them: mind-made problems and how to deal with them

Focus on the now and tell me what problem you have at this moment.Eckhart Tolle This is a hectic time of year for most people, and I’m no exception. The stillness I try to enjoy a little of each day often evaporates, leaving me feeling heavy and tired. It doesn’t seem to matter how much … Continue reading Creating problems, and solving them: mind-made problems and how to deal with them

Get creative with life. Why? Because it’s fun!

If I am not actively creating something then I am probably actively destroying something: myself, my relationship, my own peace of mind.’-Liz Gilbert, Big Magic I’m a recovering overthinker, and there have been times over the years when I’ve wondered if my busy brain was a product of too much time on my hands.  Proverbs … Continue reading Get creative with life. Why? Because it’s fun!

Nottingham Knockers: the conundrum of trusting the Universe in a world where not everyone got the ‘we are all one’ memo.

If you’re a regular to my blog you’ll know I have a generally optimistic view of the world.  I’ve always preferred to err on the side of giving people the benefit of the doubt, but on a few occasions this has led me into situations where my trust was misplaced and I’ve paid the price. … Continue reading Nottingham Knockers: the conundrum of trusting the Universe in a world where not everyone got the ‘we are all one’ memo.

Matters Much

There is a negative Nelly living deep within my brain His complaints are always different, yet they’re really all the same The soundtrack he lays down is one of cacophonous strife A circuitous litany on the grievances of life He cannot see the awe in scudding clouds through window panes All he sees are heavy … Continue reading Matters Much