The End of Mankind

This is December’s offering to Gobblers/Masticadores, a strange story inspired by an infection called Wolbachia which is found amongst anthropods and isopods. When infected, male woodlice can turn into female woodlice who then only produce female offspring. The world is a weirdly wonderful place!

Gobblers & Masticadores

by Rae Cod

“How long has he been infected with the parasite, Mr Kant?” asked Doctor Fenton, keeping her face as neutral as possible. This was the tenth case presenting with intensive acceleration they’d had this week. The patient – the host – was under sedation in isolation; isolation to supposedly protect others from the parasite, sedation to protect the patient’s own sanity: the National Health Service just didn’t have the resources to deal with something like this.

“He was infected in the first wave, so I guess about six months ago, we’ve been really careful since then, followed the guidelines not to touch…except…”

Dr Fenton’s ears pricked up, “except?”

“His birthday, three months ago, it was just the once…it’d been so long since either of us…and his symptoms seemed under control…”

“Did you use protection”

“No,” said the husband – Mr Kant, Doctor Fenton reminded herself. She must remember to…

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by Rae Cod The icy deluge continued to pour, stinging his face and plastering his shirt and jeans to a body which a few days ago had felt strong, but… Torrent


It’s time for this month’s short story offering. I wrote this one a while ago for a short story competition (it didn’t win) and posted it on the blog last year. The brief was to write a story set at a bus stop with Bus in the title, I wonder if my title was bending … Continue reading Bust

Out with the bath water

A difference of opinion in this month’s short story offering to Gobblers/Masticadores. Sometimes it’s all a matter of perspective, don’t you think? Thank you as always to Manuela for publishing.

Gobblers & Masticadores

by Rae Cod

‘What do you mean you lost the baby?’ asked Alicia, her wide eyes begging Charmaine to get to the punchline.

‘I popped it down right there,’ shrugged Charmaine, pointing at a spot on an oversized sofa, ‘while I ordered a smoothie, by the time I’d turned around it was gone.’ She took a slurp of her drink and eyed Alicia warily.

‘Well, it’s not like it could’ve wandered off on its own, is it?!’ cried Alicia.

Charmaine suddenly found something interesting on the toe of her shoe.

‘Ohmygodohmygodohmygod…we lost a baby, we are in SO MUCH TROUBLE!’

Charmaine patted Alicia’s shoulder consolingly.

‘It’ll turn up, probably just some idiot’s idea of a prank. Smoothie?’ she proffered the cardboard cup towards Alicia but lowered it gingerly as Alicia’s carefully manicured eyebrows hit her hairline.

‘How can you be so calm about this, Charmaine?’ she asked, wringing her hands…

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Full to the brim

A short story about the enduring and all encompassing nature of love published on Gobblers/Masticadores this week (thanks Manuela). Click the link to read the full story.

Gobblers & Masticadores

by Rae Cod

He knelt before her and took her liver-spotted hands in his, as gently as if he was collecting an injured bird. His eyes hadn’t changed since he was a baby, but what a strong young man he’d become. It wasn’t fair he had to carry this on his shoulders, but she could ease his burden.

‘Nonna, we have to go now, I’m sorry.’

She looked at him gently, but her voice was firm as she spoke.

‘I am staying here Nicolai.’

‘Nonna, please…’

‘I am Katrina Van de Vars,’ she interrupted him, ’our family have lived here for five hundred years,five hundred yearsNicolai. I know that doesn’t mean much to you now, but it will one day. It will. I am not made for change any longer. I will stay. If there is a way to salvage our lives here, I will find it and…

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My latest short story published by Gobblers/Masticadores is inspired by my recent experience of ten days noble silence at the Dhamma Dipa Meditation Centre, though I should add the events are entirely fictional!

Gobblers & Masticadores

by Rae Cod

Millie followed the path around the trees as she had done every morning for the last six days. Six days surrounded by people but totally alone. She’d expected the silence to be heaven, but her own mind seemed determined to create torment. Six days down, four to go.

First, she convinced herself she’d left the iron on at home. By the time she got to day five she was pretty certain the whole of the outside world had been annihilated by a zombie apocalypse, but she couldn’t know for certain because she didn’t have her phone, though her hand kept going to her pocket anyway, she could almost feel it, like a phantom limb.

Why had she signed up for this course? The flyer said it would connect you with your true self.

If that’s what I’m experiencing, then my true self is more neurotic than a…

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Better Safe Than Sorry

I’m back in the land of the speaking after a ten day silent meditation course. I’ll be blogging all about it next week, in the mean time I’m breaking my blogging fast with a short story I wrote for Gobblers/Masticadores, hope you enjoy it.

Gobblers & Masticadores

by Rae Cod

‘Get back into bed, love,’ hushed Ayla’s mother bustling into the room. Caught in the act, legs dangling, toes stretched in anticipation of freedom. She’d almost made it.

‘Aw, come on Mama, I’m fine, look at me!’ Ayla jumped up and broke into a round of star jumps, dressing gown flapping to reveal sheep patterned pyjamas.

‘That’s not what your well-link says. If you don’t rest up, you could become seriously ill.’

‘Says who?’

‘Says whatever health rhythm is running that link!’ cried her mum, exasperated by her daughter’s complete lack of concern for her own well-being.  ‘The rhythms were created for a reason, Ayla.  I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you, not after your brother.’

Ayla’s bounce fled and she sat down heavily on the bed, guilt twisting her gut as she met her mother’s eyes, where dark circles reflected shades of fear.


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Trash and Treasure

Thank you to gobblers/masticadores for publishing my short story Trash and Treasure this month.

I wasn’t sure where this story was going but I enjoyed the journey. Hope you do too.

As always, please feel free to share if you know anyone who’d enjoy reading it.

Gobblers & Masticadores

by Rae Cod

Martin knew the saying; once man’s trash is another’s treasure, but it always amazed him the items that people discarded. Dropping it at the charity shop made them feel better about it, but make no mistake, if all the charity shops closed tomorrow it would be on the rubbish heap.

That’s how much stuff people were drowning in these days, he thought, so much they didn’t know what to do with it. On a typical day, they’d get board games, teddy bears, designer clothes with the labels on them, books, DVDs. That was just the normal stuff. Then you had the weird and (not so) wonderful; the see-through trouser suit (that one sold to a gentleman in a non-see-through pinstriped suit, the toilet seat (binned), the set of false teeth (also binned) and once a box of ashes that turned out to be the family dog, returned…

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