Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Rae and I live in middle-ish England with my husband, our two children, and our dog.

Writing was one of my favourite things to do as a child. I used to carry a small lined notebook embossed with a white rose and a metallic gold pen everywhere to make up rhyming poems about the people I met and the things I saw. I adored reading flash fiction in my Mum’s magazines and would dream of having my own short stories published.

Somewhere along the way I stopped writing. I was busy with essays, then work, then children. There never seemed to be enough time to write creatively and writing became one of those things I would find the time to do ‘one day.’

Like so many before me I’ve realised that if ‘one day’ does not become ‘today’ then my dream of connecting with others through my writing will remain unattainable.

So, here I am, ready (as I’ll ever be) to share. Ready to learn. Ready to grow. Ready to take action.

I hope you’ll enjoy getting to know me and my family through my blog and that you’ll find some of my writing at least mildly entertaining. If it’s not for you, I appreciate your visit regardless and thank you for taking the time to give me a try, why not visit again another time? I may have had a growth spurt.

But if you do find yourself enjoying the content you can subscribe to the blog for up to date posts and follow me on Instagram

2 thoughts on “Allow me to introduce myself

  1. Well Mrs Cod, I’m John (if I hadn’t introduced myself already. I can’t remember 🤦‍♂️)

    You are indeed a writer! You have a very thought provoking and enjoyable blog! And I thoroughly enjoy reading it.

    And thank you for being awesome! Just from our few conversations I feel you’re pretty relatable and personable. Which I appreciate.


  2. Hi John 👋
    Thank you so much for your kind words, I’ve got a warm glow 😊
    It’s a lot of fun getting to know you through your blog, poems and comments.
    I guess we are writers, and it feels pretty good!


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