New Year, Same Worries: overcoming the merry-go-round of rumination

At the end of 2021 I found myself in the peculiar position of feeling like I was back to square one in terms of my overthinking and worrying ways. I've written before about the non-linear aspects of change, but there are some things you think you've just cracked, and for me overthinking and ruminating fell … Continue reading New Year, Same Worries: overcoming the merry-go-round of rumination

Courting Creativity: accessing our inner genius to create the life we want

I’m listening to an audiobook called The Genius Zone: the breakthrough process to end negative thinking and live in true creativity, by Gay Hendricks (sounds right up my street doesn’t it?)  As with many self-development books I’ve read (or listened to), it isn’t saying anything I don’t already know on some level, but often it … Continue reading Courting Creativity: accessing our inner genius to create the life we want